Monday, October 10, 2011

More amazing arts in Devram temple

Devram Vihara which is situated in the Pannipitiya city of Sri Lanka is a temple full of attractive Buddhist cultural art works. Few among them expressed in the previous article “Finest arts in Devram Vihara”, but there are many more. In this article we will discuss more items with vast cultural values as well as massive religious projects carried out in Devram Vihara.

2600 Sambuddhathva Jayanthi memorial stupa

2600 Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi Stupa: This comprises with 2600 tiny bronze Buddha statues.
This year is more significant to Buddhists, as it commemorates “2600 Sambuddhathva Jayanthi” which states that 2600 years have passed since prince Siddhartha of ancient India attained Buddha hood. Buddhists around the world celebrated this major commemoration in many ways while Devram temple erected an amazing monument. The structure was named “2600 Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi Stupa”, a pagoda consists of 2600 tiny bronze Buddha statues. In order to hold these statues the pagoda was designed in steps with square foundations instead of conventional spherical or conical outer shapes. To represent wheel of aura of every Buddha statue, a pebble decorative has added to each.

2600 Sambuddhathva Jayanthi Pagoda: This shows a front side view of the pagoda. Buddha statue
of standing posture has erected in front.

2600 Sambuddhathva Jayanthi Pagoda: Each tiny Buddha statue is comprised with a pebble decorative behind the head which represents aura of Lord Buddha.

Cave of Seven Week commemoration

This shows how the Lord Buddha spent his first week after attaining Lord Buddha hood. Lord Buddha calmly stayed and meditated under the sacred Bo tree through one week in this posture.
Sath Sathi Lena, as named in Sinhala language is another masterpiece of art in the temple. Sath Sathi means 7 weeks. According to the life story, once after attained Buddha hood Lord Buddha spent seven consecutive weeks with seven different tasks which lasted a week each. These tasks formulate the happiness, restfulness and thankfulness of Lord Buddha for his great achievement.  Lord Buddha spent first week with a free mind under the Bo tree which he stayed more than six months doing various difficult practices to achieve Buddha hood. Second week lord Buddha stood near the Bo tree and it is said that he watch the supporting Bo tree through one week without closing his eye lips. This was done to respect and pay his heartiest thankfulness to the sacred tree. 
Above shows that how the Lord Buddha spent his second and third week. Second week  shows the  thankfulness quality of Buddha while third week Lord Buddha meditated in a walking posture.

This is a view that how the Lord Buddha spend his fourth week in a house of  gold.
Image shows fifth, sixth & seventh weeks respectively from left to right. It was said that  Lord Buddha meditated  in  sixth week under the shelter of a big King Cobra as it was heavily raining outside. 
Third week lord Buddha continued meditating by walking on a pathway. This is called “Ruwan Sakmana” in Sinhala. In the fourth week Lord Buddha stayed in a house which made of gold. It is said that in this week Buddha considered on the complex thoughts he discovered which is not understood by any living being in the universe including gods. At each moment of his thoughts it was said that a bright aura of six colors dissipated from Lord Buddha’s body. Buddhist flag is made of these six colors. Fifth week Lord Buddha stayed near a tree named Ajapala. Sixth week some interesting thing happened. A heavy rain begun while Lord Buddha was meditating and a giant King Cobra sheltered Buddha through the week. Last week which is the seventh Buddha stayed in a different location called Rajayathana. Sath Sathi lena – cave of Seven Weeks is all about above interesting life story of great Buddha.

Project of Stone scripts of Buddha teachings
Entrance of Thripitaka(teachings of Buddha) In house project. Stone pillar are situated inside.
This is the most astonishing project yet not completed but still undergoing in Devram Vihara temple. That is to write all Buddha teachings on large stone pillars. Anyone may ask or think this as a miserable work which is not needed in a technologically advanced world we live today. There are so many ways to keep sayings of Buddha secured. For an example we can store all dhamma sayings in a single computer. We may keep backup CD’s, DVD’s…or many other formats. But the creator of Devram temple has a different view on this. Most Ven. Kolonnawe siri Sumangala thero thinks that a major disaster such as a tsunami, earth quake, or even a software virus may cause total loss of technology stored data in a second. 
Creator :Most Ven. Kolonnawe Siri Sumangala thero. Chief incumbent of
Sri Devram  Vehera, Pannipitiya city , Sri Lanka

But High strength stone pillars may withstand above natural disasters and may stay for a long period of time. They won’t destroy even buried under earth for centuries. So a future human may rediscover these valuable teachings of Buddha. This massive project seems almost finished but needs more contribution to the full completion. Height, Width of each stone plate is 8 and 3 feet respectively. Project needs around 1700 stone pillars to complete. Each pillar is sheltered in a room. Estimation for one pillar work is Rs. 200,000/-. So if you are willing to contribute this valuable project please contact Devram Vihara via following information.

Telephone : +94112849337, Fax : +94112848237
Or visit for more information.

Replicas of ancient Buddhist ruins

Lord Buddha’s born place is ancient India called Bharatha which is geographically large than current India. There are many ruins in India which proves life story of Lord Buddha. Many key ruins are replicated in Devram vihara. Replica of Ganda Kuty which Lord Buddha stayed most of his life time is more significant among them.

Replicas of ancient Buddhist arts

Replica of the ancient painting showing the Lord Buddha's
second visit to Naagadeepa  of Sri Lanka
Replica of the ancient painting showing the Lord Buddha's
third visit to Kelaniya city  of Sri Lanka
Replica of the ancient painting showing the Lord Buddha's
first visit to Mahiyanganaya  of Sri Lanka
Replica of the great art on the visit of Princess Hemamala and Prince Dhanta who securely borrowed tooth relic of Lord Buddha to Sri Lanka which is kept in Dalada Maligawa, Kandy. 

Images show the replicas of valuable ancient arts in Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya which was established to commemorate Lord Buddha’s third visit to Sri Lanka, Kelaniya.

Mahamaya Mandiraya

Queen Mahamaya and King Suddhodhana were the mother and father of Lord Buddha. Under a concept of Ven. Sumangala thero Devram Vihara established Mahamaya Mandiraya to commemorate Lord Buddha’s parents. This is the most recent monument in Devram Vehera.

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