Sunday, December 4, 2011

Finest Air show experience for Sri Lankans at Unavatuna Beach


Lot of Sri Lankan’s gathered to Unvatuna Beach which is a famous shore in SL to see the Air show organized by Red Bull yesterday the 3rd December. Unvatuna beach is located about 8km’s from Galle which is having around 30 centigrade average temperature throughout the year and around 8 sunny hours each day.  So many international & local tourists gathered here to see the beautiful sunset experience and to play in the shallow clear waters. Also the beach resides along a curve. It’s like that people are gathered in a pavilion of a massive playground.   So the Red Bull company has decided the right place for the Air show. 

The key fact of the event is that it’s performed by world famous champion pilot Peter Besenyei. He is known as the God father of Red Bull Air show world championship. Red Bull is a world famous company for energy drinks manufacturing company and each year they organize a world famous Red Bull Air show world championship which established in year 2003. It is an air show and an international competition for acrobatics in air. World’s best air acrobatic pilots will perform in this air race. Among them Peter Besenyei is the champion flyer. This year 2011, instead of Air race Red Bull decided to show the acrobatic experience in Sri Lanka as a single air show.  Sri Lankans were fortunate to have this experience in a wonderful environment. Air show which initially planned to play from 2.00PM to 4.00PM but due to the traffic jam occurred in Galle road from Galle to Unvatuna made the organizers to start it around 3.00PM. Newly opened Southern Highway was busy this Saturday due to this air show. Southern Highway was able to join Sri Lankans in Colombo with Galle around 1hour. So Red Bull Air show was a success due to the massive participation of people around the country. Red Bull has hired Deccan Aviation helicopter and a sea plane additional to the Red Bull champion air plane and preformed all of them at the Air show. Sea plane (Airtaxi by Sri Lankan Airways) aroused the curiosity of the people gathered in the shore as well as people playing in the sea by circulating two times in the air. Then came the Deccan Aviation helicopter which humbled around and hovering near the beach belt. Few moments later the champion pilot appeared in the air with the applause of thousands of people and made his acrobatic sensation in the air.  He performed his famous acrobats which earlier Sri Lankans may only have seen on TV.  

It was indeed a marvelous experience for Sri Lankans and they should be thankful for Red Bull. Also Sri Lankans are definitely proud about the Southern Highway project done by the government as it was the connecting hand for many Sri Lankans for this mega event. Also Sri Lankans should be thankful to the sponsors of this air show which are Sri Lanka Tourism, Sri Lankan Airways, Carlton Sports Network, E-FM, Sri-FM and Ran-FM.

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